The origin of this approach begins, like many of the other facets of UCSMP, with
developments that took place at thetime of new math, in the late 1950s and early 1960s.
Comprehension was interpreted at that time primarily as knowing why mathematical properties
worked or were true. Many people thought at that time that if you "understood" — that is, if you
knew the theoretical properties underlying the mathematics you were studying — then you would
automatically gain the skills. It seemed reasonable — if you were higher up the taxonomy, you
should be able to do the things that are lower-but it was not true. Students who were taught the
properties but not taught the procedures simply did not develop paper and pencil skill. Even if
they were taught the procedures, if they did not practice them, then they did not achieve a high
level of competence.
The origin of this approach begins, like many of the other facets of UCSMP, withdevelopments that took place at thetime of new math, in the late 1950s and early 1960s.Comprehension was interpreted at that time primarily as knowing why mathematical propertiesworked or were true. Many people thought at that time that if you "understood" — that is, if youknew the theoretical properties underlying the mathematics you were studying — then you wouldautomatically gain the skills. It seemed reasonable — if you were higher up the taxonomy, youshould be able to do the things that are lower-but it was not true. Students who were taught theproperties but not taught the procedures simply did not develop paper and pencil skill. Even ifthey were taught the procedures, if they did not practice them, then they did not achieve a highlevel of competence.
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