what are you talking about? You've got to get me out! charles sounded unusually excited.
i'm shut in the pantry. Your dog won't let me out. It's luck there's a phone in hear. You have to come home right away.
But I'm in New York! I'm on top of this building and i can't get down!
Macon, do you hear that barking? That's Edward. Every time i open the door he attacks me. And now he's attacking the door.
Macon held the phone tightly. 'Charles, where's Rose?'
She's out. Julian came to take her to dinner and...'
Juline my boss?
Yes, and it's Porter's night for visiting his children. Macon, I can"t just sit here waiting for Edward to break through.
How Macon wished he was safe in the pantry, surrounded by all Rose's groceries lined up in alphabetical order!
If you don't get me out of this, I'm going to call for the police to come shoot him,
No! don't do that! listen. I'm going to.. I'll phone Sarah.
She'll come over and take charge of Edward. Just wait