Increased fixation of atmospheric CO2 with terrestrial vegetation, and in turn, contributing to enhanced SOC leads to a reduction in GHS emissions and related negative effects on the environment. However, the efficiency of C sequestration by various vegetations differs largely as influenced by differences in their physiological characteristics, growth rates, biomass accumulation rates, etc., and by many environmental factors, such as the soil type, temperature, etc. Maximizing biomass production by optimizing input use is a major goal in agroeco systems. Conversion of plant sequestered C to SOC is important since the latter is very stable with long residence time, i.e. , hundreds and even thousands of years [8]. Agricultural soils under appropriate management can contain substantial amounts of soil C in the forms of soil organic matter (SOM). Excluding carbonated rocks, soils constitute the largest surface C pool, approximately 1500 Gt, which is equivalent to almost three fold greater than the quantity stored in the terrestrial biomass and twice the amount stored in the atmosphere [9].