raw milk collected from Khartoum state in Sudan, with an average
concentration of 2.07 mg/L and maximum of 6.9 mg/L, were higher
than what was found in this study (Elzupir & Elhussein, 2010).
In this study, all the dairy feeds exceeded 5 mg/kg of AFB1. The
AFB1 contamination levels of the feed collected from different
actors along the value chain were fairly similar, indicating that the
contamination may occur early on. Analysis of individual feeds
revealed that wheat bran, maize grain and Brewer's dry yeast had
relatively low levels of aflatoxin contamination, while noug cakes
were highly contaminated with AFB1 (290e397 mg/kg). Noug is
indigenous to Ethiopia and contributes up to 50% of the Ethiopian
oil-seed crop, with its oil content varying from 30 to 50%
(University of British Columbia). The oil factories produce cooking
oil by pressing the noug seed and extracting the oil while the
remaining noug cake is sold as animal feed to the feed processors