and alcoholic fermentation effi-
ciency. When the chlorothalonil concentration was lower than 0.01 g L1
, the fermentation proceeded
smoothly without any degradation of chlorothalonil. Considering the cumulative toxicity and adverse
effect of chlorothalonil on fermentation, chlorothalonil hydrolytic dehalogenase (Chd) extracellularly
expressed from the recombinant Bacillus subtilis WB800 was used to pretreat the chlorothalonilcontaminated
grape slurry. After treatment by the Chd enzyme in an activity of 7.25 mU L1 slurry for
60 min, the inhibition effect could be substantially eliminated even at an initial concentration of
0.10 g L1 chlorothalonil. This study provides a potential approach for solving the conflict in fermentation
industry with pesticides inhibition.