2. Hematology - The laboratory engages the services of an individual who holds a master's or bachelor's degree in biology, immunology or microbiology from an accredited institution and has had at least four years experience in hematology or is a licensed practitioner of the healing arts with pertinent experience.
3. Immunohematology - The laboratory engages the services of a licensed physician with specific experience in this field or an individual with a master's or bachelor's degree in biology, immunology or microbiology from an accredited institution and has four years of experience in immunohematology.
4. Chemistry - The laboratory engages the services of an individual who holds an earned doctoral degree or master's degree in chemistry or biochemistry from an accredited institution or is a licensed practitioner of the healing arts with two years experience in clinical chemistry.
5. Histopathology - The laboratory engages the services of a licensed practitioner in the healing arts who is certified in anatomic pathology or is eligible for certification by the American Board of Pathology or the American Board of Osteopathic Pathology or
possesses qualifications which are equivalent to those required for certification by these Boards.
6. Cytotechnology - The laboratory engages the services of a licensed practitioner of the healing arts who is certified in anatomic pathology or is eligible for certification by the American Board of Pathology or the American Osteopathic Board of Pathology or is
Independent Clinical Laboratories Chapter 420-5-8 and Independent Physiological Laboratories certified by the American Society of Cytology to practice cytopathology or who possesses qualifications which are equivalent to those required for certification by these Boards.