Write about you daily schedule
Use vocabulary from this unit
Make sure you write complete sentences
My weekly Suhedule
My weekly suhedule is very busy
On weekdays I wake up early at 7'oclock
I take a shower and have breakfast
I cheak Facebook to get information about what's going on
hen I go to work
At my job, Ihelpa lot of customers
Ihelp them find clothes and shoes
At noon,I havelunch with aco-worker
We usially eat hamburgers or pizza
After work,I study Thai
I want to travel to Thailand some day
My best friend is Thai and he says the people there are nice
Also,he says the beaches are beautiful
I really want to go there! After class, I go home and have dinner with my family
I'm the only child,so it's three of us: me,my mother and father
Then i go to sleep and wake up and do it all again!
My weekly suhedule is very busy
But I like it because I'm never bored