double-precision floating-point results at 600 MHz for superior
performance on numerically complex applications.
The AMD Athlon processor’s microarchitecture includes:
■ The industry's first nine-issue, superpipelined, superscalar
x86 processor microarchitecture designed for high clock
• Multiple x86 instruction decoders
• 72-entry instruction control unit
• Advanced dynamic branch prediction
• Three out-of-order, superscalar, fully pipelined
floating-point execution units, which execute all x87
(floating-point), MMX™ and 3DNow!™ instructions
• Three out-of-order, superscalar, pipelined integer units
• Three out-of-order, superscalar, pipelined address
calculation units
■ Enhanced 3DNow! technology with new instructions to
enable improved integer math calculations for speech or
video encoding and improved data movement for internet
plug-ins and other streaming applications
■ High-performance cache architecture featuring an
integrated 128-Kbyte L1 cache and a programmable,
high-speed backside L2 cache interface
■ 200-MHz AMD Athlon system bus (scalable beyond 400
MHz) enabling leading-edge system bandwidth for data
movement-intensive applications