(c) Ship recycling
The MEPC, at its sixty-sixth session, recalled that,
since the adoption of the Hong Kong Convention,
all six sets of guidelines required under the terms of
the Convention had been finalized and adopted to
ensure global, uniform and effective implementation
and enforcement of the relevant requirements of
the Convention and to assist States in the voluntary
implementation of its technical standards in the interim
period up to its entry into force. Given that so far only
one State59 has acceded to the Convention, member
States were encouraged to become members to it at
their earliest convenience.
The Committee considered among others the report
(IMO, 2013h) of a correspondence group tasked
with developing threshold values and exemptions
applicable to the materials to be listed in the
Inventory of Hazardous Materials, required under the
Convention, and decided to re-establish it in order to
prepare relevant amendments to the 2011 Guidelines
for the development of the Inventory of Hazardous
Materials (IMO, 2011, annex 3). The Committee also
noted information provided by the secretariat (IMO,
2013i) on the calculation of recycling capacity for
meeting the conditions of the entry into force of the
Hong Kong Convention.
(d) Port reception facilities
During its sixty-sixth session, the MEPC considered
a consolidated version (IMO, 2013j) of five circulars
related to port reception facilities, adopted at the
sixty-fifth session, and consequently, approved a
“Consolidated guidance for port reception facility
providers and users” (IMO, 2014g).