this is not a self-sustaining reaction.
In contrast, experiment 8, which employed 15% saturation of
canola oil alone, produced a self-sustaining reaction similar to the
base case (figure not shown). Thus, TCE alone was not sufficient
to support a self-sustaining smoldering reaction but canola oil was
with or without TCE present. This is not surprising since vegetable
oil contains significantly more chemical energy than TCE (e.g., the
heat of combustion of vegetable oil is about five times greater than
that of TCE). Comparing experiments 1 and 8, the average peak
temperatures were similar (542 ◦C and 552 ◦C, respectively; i.e.,
within the expected error); thus, it is likely that the presence of
TCE in these experiments had little effect on the self-sustaining
smoldering reaction with the front propagating primarily due to
the smoldering canola oil.