In Jang Ok Jung Lives in Love, episode 6, Jang Ok Jung(played by Kim Tae Hee) had a frigid first encounter with the Great-Great Queen(played by Kim Hyo Choon).
As Ok Jung bowed twice, the Great-Great Queen scolded, “How dare you bow twice. Are you treating me like a dead person?” Ok Jung replied, “I apologize, but the first bow was for regards and the second was for saying goodbye for now.”
The Great-Great Queen asked, “What do you think is the deepest thing in the world?” Ok Jung answered, “Heart, your majesty. A heart of a person who cannot lose is the deepest thing in the world.” The Great-Great Queen said, “Now that I see, you have very deep eyes like a bottomless well. Although I do not know if you have loyalty undried like a well.” Ok Jung replied, “You can find its depth only when you dig it. You’ll find out about me when you go through me.”
The Great-Great Queen was surprised by Ok Jung’s boldness and said, “What an insolent child you are. You can leave now. I need a rest.”