Dear Tom
saturday i am run marathon 13 km. finish run back at home i give time for you night saturday i sleep , sunday morning i talk with you litle because is time you sleep and i go to work masage again i tired because i run i work masage i want sleep alway but can't sleep work alway have customer 4 customer , i am back home around 8 pm. i mail tell you have customer and have how money? but i want talk with you , i tell you want sleep because i really tired ( i never think you think me dont want have time for you ) i think you understand me , you never ask me tired ?i work alway but i understand sometime i want have someone take care me sometime , time i tired , i love you Tom , Monday morning i make food clean home same everday i send photo to you , just tell you i what do at home ? shot message i care you i scare you no understand me
I dont like time you silent with me , hope you understad me and understand my english ( i tryyyyyyyy english too Lol)
I write message from my heart in poscard to you and give my orchid to you too weeks ago , really i want surprise you but you surprise me more because silent to me Haha
I miss you and love you
This 2 orchid i send to you in letter
Sent from my iPhone