If you are now especially strong, then this is because of your communicative abilities (Venus in Gemini), but also as a result of your courage in addressing things in a very outspoken way (Mercury-Mars during last week). At the end of the week, Mercury changes to the sign of Gemini and into opposition with Saturn. In turn, the latter demands courageous and suitable words from you. Until then, the Taurus Sun will feel the tension with Jupiter and the connection with Pluto. This is as if the situations were repeating, and not for the first time. Perhaps you are involved in training and must repeat your lessons a few times in order to really have a good grasp of them? This training could be: I get up and speak my mind. Or: I assume responsibility and show how this is done.
Partnership / Love:
Gemini Venus indicates the ability to adapt. Who must adapt to whom? Two beings with very strong convictions encounter each other (planets in Taurus, Saturn in Sagittarius, and Jupiter in Leo). Should you turn this into a problem? Should you cause a quarrel? Can partners accept each other and get along well despite different opinions? Venus in Gemini thinks: Of course they can