The communal and state-level bodies are primarily responsible
for co-ordination and decision-making. They are the
contact points for all issues and plans relating to the World
Heritage area. Noteworthy examples here are the World
Heritage co-ordination committee, the Building Office and
the agencies for the preservation of historical buildings and
monuments. Whereas the World Heritage co-ordination
committee is the point of co-ordination and contact for all
issues concerning the UNESCO World Heritage, the Building
Office procedures the planning applications pertaining to
the World Heritage area. The agencies for the preservation
of historical buildings and monuments are responsible for
attending to historical preservation aspects.
Alongside these communal and state-level offices, there
are numerous associations and citizen initiatives that work
for the benefit of the tangible cultural heritage in Regensburg.
They are particularly present in the education and
information role and thereby make a significant contribution
to the conservation and the preservation of the Old City of
Regensburg. For example, the »Welterbe Kulturfonds Regensburg–die
Förderer e.V.« is involved in organising projects
and events aimed at bringing the citizens of Regensburg
closer to the World Heritage asset. Another example is the
»Freunde der Altstadt Regensburg e.V.« association, which,
with its informational ambit, also contributes to the preservation
the historical Old City.10
ResponsibilitiesThe communal and state-level bodies are primarily responsiblefor co-ordination and decision-making. They are thecontact points for all issues and plans relating to the WorldHeritage area. Noteworthy examples here are the WorldHeritage co-ordination committee, the Building Office andthe agencies for the preservation of historical buildings andmonuments. Whereas the World Heritage co-ordinationcommittee is the point of co-ordination and contact for allissues concerning the UNESCO World Heritage, the BuildingOffice procedures the planning applications pertaining tothe World Heritage area. The agencies for the preservationof historical buildings and monuments are responsible forattending to historical preservation aspects.Alongside these communal and state-level offices, thereare numerous associations and citizen initiatives that workfor the benefit of the tangible cultural heritage in Regensburg.They are particularly present in the education andinformation role and thereby make a significant contributionto the conservation and the preservation of the Old City ofRegensburg. For example, the »Welterbe Kulturfonds Regensburg–dieFörderer e.V.« is involved in organising projectsand events aimed at bringing the citizens of Regensburgcloser to the World Heritage asset. Another example is the»Freunde der Altstadt Regensburg e.V.« association, which,with its informational ambit, also contributes to the preservationCity.10 เก่าประวัติศาสตร์
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