3.4. Stability and reproducibility of the Pt0.7Co0.3/C electrodeThe long-term stability is also an important parameter for evalu-ating the performance of the sensor. The proposed sensor based onthe Pt0.7Co0.3/C electrode was stored in air at ambient conditions,and its current response to 10 mM glucose was checked every 6days within a 31-day period through amperometric response. Thedata collected from the repeated experiments (Fig. 6A), revealedthat the proposed sensor maintains at least 98.10% of the initialsensitivity in the continuous tests, suggesting the good long-termstability.The reproducibility of the Pt0.7Co0.3/C electrodes is examined byanalysis of the same concentration of glucose (10 mM) using fiveprepared electrodes in parallel (Fig. 6B). The five electrodes, madeindependently, showed the current responses of 3.35, 3.37, 3.40,3.44, and 3.39 A. It was observed that the Pt0.7Co0.3/C electrodeshad acceptable reproducibility with a relative standard deviationof 1.00%.