They began the first set, and surprisingly, she held up well. The difference is, the brothers did not give her the special drink. The aphrodisiac in liquid form may be more diluted, but it is absorbed much faster than the pill, which works on a slow release instead. So with no added stimulus from drinking, and also because her endurance and control has been improving, Seohyun was able to last the first set without leaking at all.
But cycling with the weights added a new element of erotic stimulation to it. The weights would pull her breasts down a little as she leaned forward on the bicycle. And as she pedalled, her breasts would jiggle and the weights would shake sideways, eventually knocking into each other.
Jongin could hardly contain his excitement at this beautiful sight. His exposed cock swiftly grew, becoming very hard and about 8 inches long, pointing up from the front of his tights prominently.
Unable to contain his lust, he took out his phone and asked, “Seohyun baby, can I take a photo? I love your breasts shaking erotically like this. Please?”
Seohyun wanted to refuse. “This is very embarrassing, having my breasts hang and shake like this. I can't ...but.... poor Jongin Oppa got a scolding earlier. I should try and make it up to him...”
She reluctantly nodded, looking down in embarrassment. And her eyes unconsciously went to his cock again.
He happily got off his bicycle and crouched next to her as she cycled, making her look harder at his 'mushroom'. Aiming his phone at her breasts and clamped nipples, he took many shots, and even shot a video of the clamped tits wobbling and bouncing.
This added to her humiliation and aroused her even more. But she held on bravely with determination to complete her exercise.
It was only until the third set of cycling did she finally felt the throbbing become so strong that she could not hold her muscles and her cum juice leaked out into her shorts and wetted the bicycle seat. Joon had to help her off the seat while Jongin wiped the juice off the seat.
“See, you have become so much better. You have made great improvements, congratulations Seohyun-ah. Oppa is proud of you.”
“Thank you Oppa. ” Seohyun replied as she panted for air. She was surprised at how much better she did today compared to the last week, when she leaked constantly and all over the whole seat. She had no idea that its because the brothers did not want to make her suspicious, and did not feed her more of the drug. But it is true that her control has markedly improved as well. She felt pleasantly encouraged. “Looks like Oppa's training methods are really effective, I have improved so much in just 2 weeks.”
“Lets see if we can make other improvements today as well. Okay?”
“Sure Oppa. I will try my best Oppa.” She gave him another low bow, keeping her eyes on his 'monster' as she bent down.
- - -
They next did the treadmill. But this time, Joon had something else to add. “Let me put this vibrator into your shorts for added stimulation. Don't move.”
Joon knelt down in front of her, just as Jongin went to set the treadmills. Seohyun was about to take the vibrators from Joon to insert them herself when he suddenly grab hold onto the waistband of her shorts.
Seohyun hesitated. This will be the first time a man pulls down her shorts. Previously, she willingly removed her own clothing, or had Joon insert the vibrators into the grooves on her clothes, but never has a man removed her clothes before. She almost wanted to stop him, but in the end, she docilely kept her hands by her side. Her face burned in embarrassment as Joon pulled down the front of her shorts to reveal her pubic hair. Of course, by now, the outfit was quite transparent, and Seohyun already could see her own pubic hair visible through the shorts. But to have someone's face right in front of her crotch, even if that someone has seen her pussy before, is still very embarrassing to her. “Its okay, Seohyun. Joon Oppa has already seen my lower lips. He is just helping me, no need to feel shy. Right... still... Joon Oppa's face is right in front of my crotch.. I ….....” She tried to convince herself.
Joon of course, was smiling inside. “Another step forward, now she is allowing me to remove her clothes.”
He swiftly exposed the top half of her lips and pubic hair, place the vibrator just right outside the top of her outer labia lips, then pulled the shorts up, keeping the vibrator in the correct place. “Okay, lets start.”
- - -
As before, the brothers ran with her on their own treadmills, one person on each side of her. And again, Seohyun could feel it was easier this time. The vibrators and weighted clamps created a lot of stimulation, she could feel her whole body burning and her nipples and breasts swelling. Her clit began throbbing stronger than ever, and she leaked quite a bit. But compared to her treadmill run two weeks ago, this was great improvement.
Again, she took the opportunity to steal some glances at her two favourite objects that continue to draw her attention; the two massive erection of the brothers, jutting out hard and swollen all the time.
Finishing the run, she felt happy that she was able to finish it without leaking like a tap and collapsing after the run. Though her shorts were soaked and she could feel her clit throbbing like mad.
Then, Jongin went to set up the next stage as Joon had Seohyun sit down. He took a towel and began wiping her body as usual. By now, Seohyun has gotten accustomed to having Joon wipe her sweat and juice, she sat there comfortably, smiling and drinking water as he wiped her all over. This was also Joon's plan; to repeat the same comforting and regular action again and again, until she likes it and is used to it and see it as a regular routine.
- - -
After a couple minutes of rest, Joon then held her hand and brought her to a machine which, the moment she laid eyes on, she whined, “Oppa, not this!”
It was the rowing machine, one of the exercises she wanted to avoid. It was very tiring , causing muscle aches all over whenever she used it, and Seohyun hated it.
“I know how you feel about this, so I added some reward and punishment to make it more interesting.” Joon gave a devious smile.
As Seohyun stood there confused, Joon removed the weights from her nipples. This brought instant relief as her nipples could feel less weight dragging them down now. Jongin then attached a strange thing at the front bar of the machine; a long nylon strap, with a metal ring at the end, and attached to the ring was two elastic straps each with a smaller ring at their ends. The whole thing looked like a 'Y' , with the longer cloth strap at the front and the two smaller elastic bands pointing to the seat.
Joon motioned her to sit down, so she complied. Jongin then pulled the two elastic band up close to her and now, she began to have an idea. She watched anxiously as he fixed the two small rings to her nipple clamps. So now, as she sat on the seat, the clamps on her nipples are now connected by the rings to the two elastic straps , which are then connected to the nylon strap that is fixed to the machine. Should she pull the handles and flex her legs and row backwards, the elastic straps would pull on her clamped nipples as her body moved away!
She looked up at the brothers with a worried face. “Joon Oppa... this is..”
“These are the rules. You must try and row your hardest and pull the handles back to the maximum. If you don't, then its one foul. If the clamps come loose, then its another foul. We will do 4 sets of twenty, and if you give up before we complete everything, then each undone pull counts as another foul. There will be punishment later for each foul. And a reward if you manage to complete everything without a single foul. Okay?”
He said this with a big grin.
Seohyun could only stare at the grinning brothers and then at the straps attached to her nipple clamps. “But I can't control if they become loose, Oppa!” She complained with sad puppy eyes.
“Well, you can choose how tight you want the clamps to be. So make sure they are tight if you don't want to commit a foul.” Jongin added with a smile.
Grudgingly, Seohyun adjusted the clamps on her nipples, tightening them to almost the maximum, bring quite a bit more pain to her very sensitive nipples. The sting was becoming quite unbearable now.
The brothers were now very excited. They are going to see SNSD's Seohyun bring herself pleasure and pain on a machine, and everything will be her own doing.
Seohyun gave the brother another sad pout and upset face, this only made them laugh and she whined again, “Oppa! You are bullying me! I hate this exercise.” But she still obediently grabbed the handles and sat there, ready for her exquisite torture.
- - - - -
“Ready, GO!” Joon announced and Seohyun began the rowing as Jongin started the count.
“1.... 2..........3.............”
Seohyun could feel the pulling sensation get stronger as she rowed, and it swiftly became a sharp, stinging pain when she pulled the bars to the maximum position. The elastic bands would pull hard on the clamps as she rowed back, and when she released and move forward, the feeling of pleasure and relief would flood her mind as the pressure is released on her nipples. This was pain and pleasure mixed together, and everything was up to her.
The pain was sharp , but so was the pleasure. And the further she pulled back, the stronger the relief and pleasure when she moved forward. “This is... ahhh............... I can't lose.......... I gotta …....pull harder. Ahhh..........”
Soon, she was gritting her teeth as she endured both pain and pleasure. Her stubbornness and determination not to lose made her do her best. But as she rowed , the pleasure soon took over and she began to tremble.
Unfortunately, by the 17th count, one of the clamps began coming loose. “Aish, I should have tighten them more!” And sure enough, the moment the
พวกเขาเริ่มชุดแรก และ จู่ ๆ เธอจัดขึ้นเช่น ความแตกต่างคือ พี่น้องไม่ได้ให้เธอดื่มพิเศษ ยาโป๊ะในแบบฟอร์มสภาพคล่องอาจจะยิ่งทำให้เจือจาง แต่มันถูกดูดมากเร็วกว่ายาเม็ด ที่ทำงานบนออกช้าแทน กับไม่กระตุ้นเพิ่มดื่ม และนอกจากนี้ เนื่องจากความอดทนและการควบคุมมีการปรับปรุง Seohyun ได้ล่าสุดชุดแรกโดยไม่รั่วไหลเลยแต่ขี่จักรยาน มีน้ำหนักเพิ่มองค์ประกอบใหม่ของการกระตุ้นเร้าอารมณ์ได้ น้ำหนักจะดึงเต้าลงน้อย ตามเธอก็เอนไปข้างหน้าบนจักรยาน และเป็นเธอ pedalled หน้าอกของเธอจะ jiggle และน้ำหนักจะจับด้านข้าง ในที่สุดเคาะเข้ากันJongin แทบไม่ประกอบด้วยความตื่นเต้นของเขาที่เห็นนี้สวยงาม ไก่เขาสัมผัสอย่างรวดเร็วเพิ่มขึ้น กลายเป็น หนัก และประมาณ 8 นิ้วยาว ชี้ขึ้นจากด้านหน้าของเสื้อของเขาจึง ไม่สามารถประกอบด้วยลัสท์ของเขา เขาเอาออกจากโทรศัพท์ของเขา และ ถาม "เด็ก Seohyun สามารถฉันถ่ายรูป ชอบหน้าอกของคุณสั่น erotically เช่นนี้ โปรด"Seohyun อยากปฏิเสธ "นี่คืออายมาก มีหน้าอกของฉันวาง และเขย่าเช่นนี้ ฉันไม่สามารถ... แต่...ดี Jongin Oppa ได้ดุก่อนหน้านี้ได้ ผมควรลอง และทำให้เขาได้..."เธอเต็มใจพยักหน้า มองลงม้วน และดวงตาของเธอโดยไม่รู้ตัวไปไก่ของเขาอีกครั้งเขาอย่างมีความสุขได้จากจักรยานของเขา และ crouched ถัดจากเธอเธอล้ม ทำให้เธอดูยากที่เขา 'เห็ด' เล็งโทรศัพท์ของเขาที่หน้าอกและหัวนม clamped ของเธอ เขาเอาภาพมาก และแม้แต่ถ่ายวิดีโอของหัวนม clamped wobbling และแสงนี้เพิ่มเธอผู้ทรง และ aroused เธอมากยิ่งขึ้น แต่เธอจัดขึ้นอย่างกล้าหาญ มีความมุ่งมั่นการออกกำลังกายของเธอ ได้เท่านั้นจนถึงชุดที่สามของการขี่จักรยาน ไม่ได้เธอก็รู้สึกกระเพื่อมกลายเป็นแข็งแรงที่เธอไม่สามารถเก็บกล้ามเนื้อของเธอ และเธอน้ำกามน้ำรั่วเข้าไปในกางเกงของเธอออก และ wetted นั่งจักรยาน Joon เพื่อช่วยเธอออกจากนั่งในขณะที่ Jongin เช็ดน้ำออกจากนั่งได้"นั้น คุณเป็นดีมาก คุณทำการปรับปรุงใหญ่ ขอแสดงความยินดี Seohyun-ah Oppa เป็นความภาคภูมิใจของคุณ""ขอบคุณ Oppa" Seohyun ตอบกลับเป็นเธอ panted ในอากาศ เธอประหลาดใจที่เท่าใดดีเธอได้วันนี้เมื่อเทียบกับสัปดาห์ที่แล้ว เมื่อเธอรั่วตลอดเวลา และ ทั่วนั่งทั้งหมด เธอมีความคิดที่เป็น เพราะพี่น้องไม่ต้องไปทำให้เธอสงสัย และทำอาหารของเธอเพิ่มเติมของยา แต่มันเป็นความจริงที่เธอควบคุมได้อย่างเด่นชัดขึ้นเช่น เธอรู้สึกพอสนับสนุน "ลักษณะเหมือนวิธีการฝึกอบรมของ Oppa มีประสิทธิภาพจริง ๆ ฉันได้ดีขึ้นมากในระยะเวลาเพียง 2 สัปดาห์""ให้ดูถ้าเราสามารถทำการปรับปรุงอื่น ๆ เช่นวันนี้ ดีหรือไม่""แน่ใจว่า Oppa ผมจะพยายาม Oppa ของฉันดีที่สุด" เธอให้เขาอีกก้มต่ำ รักษาตาของเธอบนเขา 'สัตว์ประหลาด' ที่เธองอลง - - - They next did the treadmill. But this time, Joon had something else to add. “Let me put this vibrator into your shorts for added stimulation. Don't move.”Joon knelt down in front of her, just as Jongin went to set the treadmills. Seohyun was about to take the vibrators from Joon to insert them herself when he suddenly grab hold onto the waistband of her shorts. Seohyun hesitated. This will be the first time a man pulls down her shorts. Previously, she willingly removed her own clothing, or had Joon insert the vibrators into the grooves on her clothes, but never has a man removed her clothes before. She almost wanted to stop him, but in the end, she docilely kept her hands by her side. Her face burned in embarrassment as Joon pulled down the front of her shorts to reveal her pubic hair. Of course, by now, the outfit was quite transparent, and Seohyun already could see her own pubic hair visible through the shorts. But to have someone's face right in front of her crotch, even if that someone has seen her pussy before, is still very embarrassing to her. “Its okay, Seohyun. Joon Oppa has already seen my lower lips. He is just helping me, no need to feel shy. Right... still... Joon Oppa's face is right in front of my crotch.. I ….....” She tried to convince herself.Joon of course, was smiling inside. “Another step forward, now she is allowing me to remove her clothes.”He swiftly exposed the top half of her lips and pubic hair, place the vibrator just right outside the top of her outer labia lips, then pulled the shorts up, keeping the vibrator in the correct place. “Okay, lets start.” - - - As before, the brothers ran with her on their own treadmills, one person on each side of her. And again, Seohyun could feel it was easier this time. The vibrators and weighted clamps created a lot of stimulation, she could feel her whole body burning and her nipples and breasts swelling. Her clit began throbbing stronger than ever, and she leaked quite a bit. But compared to her treadmill run two weeks ago, this was great improvement.Again, she took the opportunity to steal some glances at her two favourite objects that continue to draw her attention; the two massive erection of the brothers, jutting out hard and swollen all the time. Finishing the run, she felt happy that she was able to finish it without leaking like a tap and collapsing after the run. Though her shorts were soaked and she could feel her clit throbbing like mad.Then, Jongin went to set up the next stage as Joon had Seohyun sit down. He took a towel and began wiping her body as usual. By now, Seohyun has gotten accustomed to having Joon wipe her sweat and juice, she sat there comfortably, smiling and drinking water as he wiped her all over. This was also Joon's plan; to repeat the same comforting and regular action again and again, until she likes it and is used to it and see it as a regular routine.
- - -
After a couple minutes of rest, Joon then held her hand and brought her to a machine which, the moment she laid eyes on, she whined, “Oppa, not this!”
It was the rowing machine, one of the exercises she wanted to avoid. It was very tiring , causing muscle aches all over whenever she used it, and Seohyun hated it.
“I know how you feel about this, so I added some reward and punishment to make it more interesting.” Joon gave a devious smile.
As Seohyun stood there confused, Joon removed the weights from her nipples. This brought instant relief as her nipples could feel less weight dragging them down now. Jongin then attached a strange thing at the front bar of the machine; a long nylon strap, with a metal ring at the end, and attached to the ring was two elastic straps each with a smaller ring at their ends. The whole thing looked like a 'Y' , with the longer cloth strap at the front and the two smaller elastic bands pointing to the seat.
Joon motioned her to sit down, so she complied. Jongin then pulled the two elastic band up close to her and now, she began to have an idea. She watched anxiously as he fixed the two small rings to her nipple clamps. So now, as she sat on the seat, the clamps on her nipples are now connected by the rings to the two elastic straps , which are then connected to the nylon strap that is fixed to the machine. Should she pull the handles and flex her legs and row backwards, the elastic straps would pull on her clamped nipples as her body moved away!
She looked up at the brothers with a worried face. “Joon Oppa... this is..”
“These are the rules. You must try and row your hardest and pull the handles back to the maximum. If you don't, then its one foul. If the clamps come loose, then its another foul. We will do 4 sets of twenty, and if you give up before we complete everything, then each undone pull counts as another foul. There will be punishment later for each foul. And a reward if you manage to complete everything without a single foul. Okay?”
He said this with a big grin.
Seohyun could only stare at the grinning brothers and then at the straps attached to her nipple clamps. “But I can't control if they become loose, Oppa!” She complained with sad puppy eyes.
“Well, you can choose how tight you want the clamps to be. So make sure they are tight if you don't want to commit a foul.” Jongin added with a smile.
Grudgingly, Seohyun adjusted the clamps on her nipples, tightening them to almost the maximum, bring quite a bit more pain to her very sensitive nipples. The sting was becoming quite unbearable now.
The brothers were now very excited. They are going to see SNSD's Seohyun bring herself pleasure and pain on a machine, and everything will be her own doing.
Seohyun gave the brother another sad pout and upset face, this only made them laugh and she whined again, “Oppa! You are bullying me! I hate this exercise.” But she still obediently grabbed the handles and sat there, ready for her exquisite torture.
- - - - -
“Ready, GO!” Joon announced and Seohyun began the rowing as Jongin started the count.
“1.... 2..........3.............”
Seohyun could feel the pulling sensation get stronger as she rowed, and it swiftly became a sharp, stinging pain when she pulled the bars to the maximum position. The elastic bands would pull hard on the clamps as she rowed back, and when she released and move forward, the feeling of pleasure and relief would flood her mind as the pressure is released on her nipples. This was pain and pleasure mixed together, and everything was up to her.
The pain was sharp , but so was the pleasure. And the further she pulled back, the stronger the relief and pleasure when she moved forward. “This is... ahhh............... I can't lose.......... I gotta …....pull harder. Ahhh..........”
Soon, she was gritting her teeth as she endured both pain and pleasure. Her stubbornness and determination not to lose made her do her best. But as she rowed , the pleasure soon took over and she began to tremble.
Unfortunately, by the 17th count, one of the clamps began coming loose. “Aish, I should have tighten them more!” And sure enough, the moment the
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