Finally, the logic of the Resource Block model type was used to create a kanban workstation module that a user can easily manipulate while modeling complex systems. The kanban workstation module includes a dialog that encompasses all information necessary to define a workstation, including a name, its position, an expression for processing time, and the number of kanban available at the station. The main departure from the Resource Block model type is that the kanban workstation module contains logic to handle several different situations, for instance stations at the beginning, middle, and end of a kanban production line. These stations employ most of the same logic but each have slightly different requirements; the kanban workstation module incorporates all three, with several alternate logical paths to be selected based on the user's4. The rest of the paper will refer to this as the Module model type. The Arena template file is available online at the following URL: choice in the module customization dialog. The logic is pictured in Figure 3 below, with boxes drawn to denote the various paths; the customization dialog is shown in Figure