The mean of variable of the water depth in study area to 13.56 centimeter and less than the mean of the residential area of Eastern Sarus Crane to 16.45 centimeter that refers to the most residential area of Eastern Sarus Crane be found in the area where the average water depth is higher than the study area. The proportion between the percentage frequencies of residential and the water level in areas can be classified to 4 classes as: 1) the area had water depths of less than 10 centimeters is the most commonly in the study area to 60.08% 2) the area had water depths between 10 to 20 centimeters which coverage areas of 18.97% 3) the area had water depths between 20-30 centimeters which coverage areas of 9.16% and 4) the area had water depths higher than 30 centimeters which coverage areas of 9.35%