have investigated the motivation of film tourists, films are considered to be “pull” factors in “push” locations applied push and pull factors to film tourists and identified place, personality and performance as the pull factors while internal motivators present the push factors. In Macionis’s model the motivation of film tourists is expanded into a continuum to highlight the differing prevalence of motivators, ranging from the serendipitous film tourist and the general film tourist to the specific film tourist . The first possible pull factor of Place is immediately identifiable and attractive to a viewer. The physical place of the moving image pulls the tourist to the destination. Film tourists attach meaning to places, and through film such place meaning can be created, altered and reinforced as highlighted in various studies . Secondly, Performance acts as a pull factor as people make strong connections with the performance aspects of film, can relate to the situation of the characters in the show and are determined to put themselves in the physical place that has formed the backdrop to the performance . Finally, Personality reflects the pulling power of Hollywood, the star system and celebrities. Film tourist motivation can be far more complex if we take “cult of celebrity” and Maltby et al.’s notion of “Celebrity Worship Syndrome” into account, which hasn’t been researched in much detail to date . Film stars and actors are powerful ingredients of mass media and “feelings towards a celebrity are expected to transfer to any endorsed brand through their power status andthe recurring association”. In addition to the three factors