“When I would not kill the animal.”
The animals are a living organism which transferable, able to respond rapidly to stimuli, having specialized sense and reproduce. In our world have many kinds of the animals, each kind lives a different, it depends on structural internal and external. Nowadays many people raise a pet in the house. If ask that what the people raise animals for? Most people may say first that for the benefit and happiness. But at the same time, some people raise because the kindness, want to see the animals have a good life. If we will raise the animal we should raise well, do not harm it.The most popular of pet is a dog, a cat, a fish and a bird because it easy for a care. I want to talk about the three reasons that why I would not kill the animal which is cute, a health benefit, and a sin.
I would not kill the animal because it is cute. The pet has many kinds. I want to describe the cuteness of a dog. The dog is the animal that intelligent. It has IQ higher than other pet such as a cat, a pig, and a horse. The cuteness of pet has many things for example, in the morning it will awake us and wait to greet, it will sleep side us and flatter, and beckon tail for indicate love and gladness. These behaviors are attracting attention. The pet makes us relaxed, especially when we tired or lonely it can makes us smile and happy. The dog is a pet that lonely, it requires the owners all the time. Dr. Joyce adds said that "make the most of your time together when you are able to be with your pooch. Engage with your dog. Toss a ball, give him a good brushing, or even just watch some television together. At the end of the day, dogs are happy just to sit on the couch with you, too."
I would not kill the animal because it has a lot of health benefits. The living with pet frequently makes us love and befriend. It makes us want to raise forever. The owner will become to be mercy with the animal. The animal husbandry has a lot of benefits. Dr. James Griffin, a scientist at NIH's Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development said that "The general belief is that there are health benefits to owning pets, both in terms of psychological growth and development, as well as physical health benefits,” The dog husbandry helps to reduce blood pressure and relief stress to owner or people that are high blood pressure. The dog husbandry needs to have increased activity, such as preparing food, take defecate and exercise. These activities help the owner indirect fitness. All ages can get the advantages from the animal husbandry both teenagers, adults and elderly, the pets make a mind of human is a gentle and a moist.
I would not kill the animal because it is a sin. A sin is the act that violating doctrine or religious restrictions such as a killing animal, a thievery, a lie, and drinking alcohol. In the Buddhism, killing animals is very a sin. It makes the animal is suffer. The animal is a living organism like a human, has a breath and a brain. It has a feeling so we should not kill it. I disagree that the human world population kill the animal for food. It is torture the animal. In the world has a lot of food. According to the article Onegreenplanet website, it claimed that “we don’t need to eat animals to survive. Humans can survive on a completely plant based diet. Research has proven that plants contain all the vitamins and nutrients that the human body needs to thrive.” If we do not eat animal, we do not need to kill animals anymore. However, there are a lot of people do not believe in a sin of Buddhism and continue kill the animal.
In conclusion, I choose not kill the animal because it cute, it has a health benefit and it sin. The animals have a lot of benefits, it gives both happiness, befriend and bodyguard. We should love it like that it be loyal. The animal has a feeling fear and pain like a human. These are the reason that why I not kill the animal. Although we cannot make all people stop kill the animal but we should not join kill and do not support them.