Whenever the cold season is around in Thailand, the Northern provinces are some of the top destinations to cool off. For a change, let me recommend the Northeast. The views, flora, and attractions in this mountainous region will not disappoint you.
If you are looking for cold temperatures on a mountain, then pack your bags for Loei. As the Provincial Catchphrase states, Loei is “The town of mountains, the coldest in Siam, with flowers for all seasons”. To get a feel for how cold the coldest location in Thailand actually is, The Trip Packers headed to Phu Rua Mountain.
- See more at: http://www.thaiticketmajor.com/Travel-News/Phu-Rua-National-Park,-the-coldest-spot-in-Thailand-1705-en.html#sthash.2R4Hxwi8.dpuf