Dear Paramate,
Hope you are doing good and apologise for the delay in replying to you. It was a validation time which took some additional days. As you are aware that our requirement caters to the whole of Thailand comprising of major rural and urban, your sample covering urban was very much liked and team was impressed with the output. Thanks for the data and appreciate your team working on this.
However, they did not get an opportunity to check the rural data for quick validation.
Please refer to the sample locations enclosed and would be very grateful if you could share the road network and its corresponding names in Thai language?
The samples are quite small and this will also have the earlier submitted sample which can be ignored.
Looking forward to take this proposal to the next level with your rural data. Few sample locations are enclosed. Your rural input will help us to verify and take approval for establishing a business proposal.
Hope you understand our concern and please do the needful.
Thanks again for your wonderful data of Thailand.
OM Murali