The aim of this research study was to investigate the recrystallization process during freezing and storage of strawberry sorbet with the addition of new “poligeenan” as a final product of κ-carrageenan acid hydrolysis. The recrystallization process was analyzed based on the images of ice crystals taken after one hour, one week and one month of sorbets storage at the temperature of −18 °C and using a microscope and camera (Nikon) adapted to work at temperature below zero. The images were then analyzed using the program NIS Elements D.
Based on the performed experiments, it was found that the addition of the new “poligeenan” to sorbets had a stronger inhibiting effect on the recrystallization process than the addition of κ-carrageenan. After one month of storage of sorbet with added κ-carrageenan, the diameter of ice crystals was 25.04 μm, while in sorbet with the new “poligeenan” added it was less than 12 μm.