I went to Koh Chang last week. This island is located in Trat province, Eastern Thailand. It is a famous tourist attractionandvery beautiful. The journey to Koh Chang by a ferry ride to cross from Tratwhich are available every hour and a fare (one way) around eighty bath per each.In addition, the tourists can take a car cross to Koh Chang also. I had a chance to take the family on vacation. The atmosphere was jolly andfull of tourists, both Thais and foreigners.The food here was delicious, many choices, and affordable prices. We can walk or ride around the island, but the road is quite dangerous, because of the very steep. Then we stayed overnight at one of the resorts.This resort, adjacent to the road and sea.We can see the sea view and easy to travel. On the other hand, the price of resort around 3,000 bath per night, It’s so cheap when compared to the beautiful atmosphere, in my opinion. Our check- out after breakfast finish and buy souvenirs before we go back.
For this trip, I feel a great impression to spend time with my family and do activities together. When I seethe smilewhom I love. It makes me happy and ready to come back to work.If I have a chance, I'll take my family back here again “Koh Chang”.