A nutritious soy fortified snack with good texture and good protein quality was achieved from
formula 8 containing 18% of soy flour (9% DFS + 9% FFS) replaced in a blends of corn grit and broken
rice, 2% soybean oil and fortified with a mixture of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Mixed ingredients
were adjusted to 16.5 ± 0.5% moisture content and fed at 365 g/ min to extrusion process at 165–167°C
melt temperature employing Berstorff laboratory twin screw extruder operated at 300 rpm. The obtained
snack had expansion ratio (ER), bulk density (BD) and compression force (CF) of 3.9, 58 g/L and 60.17
N, respectively and was subsequently sensory evaluated (9-point hedonic scale) for preference and
acceptance together with control samples and popular market snacks. Snack sample from formula 8 had
gained the highest score in color, flavor, texture and overall acceptability (P ≤ 0.05). Protein content in the
developed snack sample is 9.9% which was 46.67–70.69% higher than in the market snacks. Furthermore,
there was also a greater quantity of lysine and methionine plus cystine and all those essential amino acids
were accounted for at least 80% of the FAO/WHO (1973) recommendation. It also exhibited as a good
source of vitamin B6, B2, calcium and sodium, and also rich in B12 and iodine. In addition, ratio of calories
gained from carbohydrate, protein, fat from the snack was almost equal to Thai-RDI. Thus, the developed
soy fortified snack could be regarded as a palatable and nutritious snack.
ABSTRACTA nutritious soy fortified snack with good texture and good protein quality was achieved fromformula 8 containing 18% of soy flour (9% DFS + 9% FFS) replaced in a blends of corn grit and brokenrice, 2% soybean oil and fortified with a mixture of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Mixed ingredientswere adjusted to 16.5 ± 0.5% moisture content and fed at 365 g/ min to extrusion process at 165–167°Cmelt temperature employing Berstorff laboratory twin screw extruder operated at 300 rpm. The obtainedsnack had expansion ratio (ER), bulk density (BD) and compression force (CF) of 3.9, 58 g/L and 60.17N, respectively and was subsequently sensory evaluated (9-point hedonic scale) for preference andacceptance together with control samples and popular market snacks. Snack sample from formula 8 hadgained the highest score in color, flavor, texture and overall acceptability (P ≤ 0.05). Protein content in thedeveloped snack sample is 9.9% which was 46.67–70.69% higher than in the market snacks. Furthermore,there was also a greater quantity of lysine and methionine plus cystine and all those essential amino acidswere accounted for at least 80% of the FAO/WHO (1973) recommendation. It also exhibited as a goodsource of vitamin B6, B2, calcium and sodium, and also rich in B12 and iodine. In addition, ratio of caloriesgained from carbohydrate, protein, fat from the snack was almost equal to Thai-RDI. Thus, the developedsoy fortified snack could be regarded as a palatable and nutritious snack.
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