Upon arriving at Easeby, Bertie determines the nature of the emergency. His Uncle
Willoughby has been writing his memoirs, "Recollections of a Long Life." It seems that
the old man has read some of the manuscript to Florence, and she is appalled. The
book details Sir Willoughby's wild adventures with his friends during their youth. Her
father is one of many respectable gentlemen who, she feels, will be scandalized if the
book is published. She proposes that Bertie pilfer the manuscript before it can be
published. Bertie, who is financially dependent on his Uncle Willoughby, is extremely
reluctant. He suggests that maybe Florence's younger brother Edwin, who is also a
guest at Easeby, might be better suited for the task. After all, Edwin is a Boy Scout who
is always looking for "acts of kindness" to perform. Florence threatens to break off their
engagement if Bertie does not steal the book. Bertie, flustered, agrees to the wacky
scheme. As he leaves the room, he runs into Jeeves, who informs him that someone
has used black polish on his brown shoes.