When are you capable of letting go to the extent that it is necessary? It is necessary to let go of many of your definitions, beliefs, and identities, but when will you be comfortable enough to live without these things? That will be the moment that you open yourselves to so much more.
The process of evolution is giving you the opportunity to experience yourselves as brand new. But if you are too attached to who you have been, you will create a struggle against the inevitable. You have let go enough to let us in. And what you have let go is not gone, just forgotten, just not active.
If you want to look at evolution in that way, it might be easier for you. It might be easier for you to see it as a series of deactivations and activations, the result of which is that you have the experience of shifting. But you are the ones who ultimately get to decide when you let go, when you deactivate, so that the new activation can occur.
So recognize the attachments that you have to who you have been, and give yourself the opportunity to experience a mourning process, a farewell. This will aid you in seeing the process through easily and gently.
We are the Zetas, and we are your brothers and sisters.”
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