The mineral analysis is presented in Table
2.Moringa cake flour had higher values in all the mineral contents determined.
Nzikou et al. (2009) reported calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium values of 83.75 mg /100 g; 251 mg /100 g; 36.53 mg /100 g and 22.5 mg /100g, respectively.
The Na content was higher than the value (8.42 mg/100g) reported by Adubiaro et al.
(2011) for baobab seed while the Ca, K, Fe and Mg contents were higher than that of moringa seeds.
Mn and Zn in moringa flour samples were lower than the values observed by Compaoré et al. (2011) for seeds.
Differences observed between results can be attributed to geographical, soil composition, cultivation climate,ripening stage, the harvesting time of the seeds and the extraction method used Compaoré et al. (2011).
Minerals are required for normal growth, activities of muscles and skeletal development, cellular activity and oxygen transport, chemical reaction in the body and intestinal absorption, fluid balance and nerve transmission, as well as the regulation of acid-base balance (Ogbe and Affiku, 2011).