Silly dune-like format, Luang Pu at the Golden Chedi Luang Pu covered, to pay homage to the beautiful people. Stupid son-Luang Pu Jonathan was born on Friday, April 29 time: 6 15 lunar months 2447 (1904) 5.58 pm. On a raft in the middle of the river ping. The father is the head of rafting logs. Mothers are nationals at the age of 10 years approximately Lampoon SATO the Secretary looked at the British High Commissioner for Indochina's France was adopted as and has studied abroad until the end of the doctoral degree at. The original language is spoken 7 Christian religions. The upasampada as Buddhist monks in the inspiration and see the example from the Township. The saints of Lanna. He has been through many monks ... He has also built numerous Buddhist wimok it about did not spread to uphold it in a Buddhist monk who is also a accepts the sacrifice. Are discouraged in doing good deeds without hope, what compensation? And death when Sunday March 7, 1999, at the age of 64 years to 95 years old glory .