Humans were made to eat meat and vegetables. It is natural for humans to eat meat, just as natural as it is for us to eat vegetables and fruits. Our eating of meat helps to control over-population, it keeps the food chain balanced, and it is just a natural thing to do. Mankind has always eaten meat, just like the cavemen. They would never have survived off berries for their entire lives. Most vegetarians take pills to get the nutrients needed to live... nutrients that come from meat. Isn't that obvious enough that we need meat naturally? Some people like to argue that our appendix has shrunken and shriveled up because we have been introducing different kinds of chemicals into our meat to make it taste better, but that is completely wrong. Our appendix no longer works because we no longer eat raw meat. It was used to take out the toxins from raw meat when we didn't know how to cook it, long ago. But now that humans have learned how to cook meat, and get the toxins out of it themselves before consuming it, the appendix no longer serves a purpose. And as evolution goes, "If you don't use it, then you lose it." Our appendix has naturally shriveled up from generations of humans cooking meat instead, and that is why most doctors will go ahead and snip it out of our bodies if we were ever to have some type of stomach problems where they need to go in and fix it. It is best to get rid of it early, because it can burst later in life and spread toxins throughout the body. The point is, humans have always eaten both meat and vegetables On that diet we have built huge cities, nations, developed religions, languages, literature, and much more, so why should we suddenly just change and starting eating all vegetables? We have done very well so far eating meat. If it isn't broken, don't fix it.
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