What would become of our many different cultures?" Others argue. "Certainly the world would be a much less interesting place,"they add.Indeed,there is serious concern on the part of language experts that many languages are disappearing .In some parts of the world,only a few people are left who can speak the native tongue.In Ireland,for example,there are only a few small areas where people speak Gaelic,the native Irish language.One expert says that half of the world's languages are dying because children are no longer learning them.
languages have changed and disappeared throughout history.With progress,change is inevitable.Some things are worth preserving.Others are not.The difficulty is in deciding what is worth keeping.Because people have very strong feelings about the importance of their native language,we probably will not have a universal language in the near future.What is certain,however,is that English words will continue to pop up everywhere,from Taiwan to Timbuktu,whether some people like it or not.