generally associated with medium risk or high risk. Whereas with medium-risk CPFs some
risk control measures would suffice in mitigating risk, with high-risk CPFs substantial
measures are required. As a consolidation of the research findings, a toolkit, called CRiMT,
has been developed. CRiMT provides H&S risk information regarding CPFs and it has the
potential of assisting pre-construction project participants in managing the accident causal
influence of CPFs from the early stage of project procurement.
nature of project, method of construction, site restriction, procurement method, project
duration, level of construction, design complexity, and subcontracting, which are construction decisions fall in this category of underlying causal factors. However, despite
the significance of underlying causal factors to H&S, not much attention by way of
research has been given to CPFs. As a result, insight into how CPFs influence accident
occurrence, the degree of their inherent potential to influence accident occurrence (i.e. their
potential to cause accident) and their associated degree of H&S risk (i.e. the likelihood of
accident occurrence due to CPFs) remain elusive in the extant construction H&S literature.
This research was thus undertaken to empirically investigate the mechanism by which
CPFs influence accident occurrence and assess their degree of potential to influence
accident occurrence and their associated H&S risk.