The Quality Management System
GESAC's Quality Management system is certified in accordance with ISO9001:2000 and is based on the OEM/OGSM model, a management system aimed at improving the efficiency of the organisation and, in particular:
- At integrating the main managerial and operational processes;
- At monitoring corporate performance and improving it continuously;
- At developing awareness, motivating and focussing all resources on our strategic objectives.
Through the OGSM, the individual goals of each employee are associated with the strategies of the organisation. This means that each worker is aligned with the quality objectives that have been defined and that they are all aware of their roles within the Corporate Quality System.
Performance monitoring and continuous improvement
As a private company responsible for managing a public service of strategic importance for the whole region, GESAC cannot avoid taking into account the opinions of everyone interested in air transport, at local, provincial and regional scale. Our commitments towards the Airport users, together with the most useful information for people leaving from or arriving at Naples International Airport are published every year in the Service Charter and in the Guide to Services
Stakeholder surveys carried out continuously among our passengers, who are our privileged customers, provide us with information about users' perceptions of the Airport services and the efficiency of our processes and of our organisation. For this purpose, GESAC has set up numerous activities for measuring and monitoring quality, including:
QSM: perceived Quality
The Quality of Service Monitor (QSM), applied at all BAA Airports and in use in Naples since 1997, is a system for monitoring customer satisfaction as far as concerns the quality of the Airport services, whether provided by GESAC or by other parties working at the Airport, and identified by means of 80 different indicators. The QSM is abased on "one-to-one" interviews of passengers and results in a score based on five levels of satisfaction:
1) very poor
2) poor
3) average
4) good
5) excellent
QCS: measured Quality
The Quality Control System (QCS) consists of monitoring the Quality delivered by the various different parties responsible for managing the Airport services. The QCS includes measuring critical waiting times for Airport customer satisfaction, on the basis of statistically significant samples.
The measurements carried out are:
disembarking from aircraft
waiting time at check-in
waiting time at passenger security checks
amount of time for baggage consignment
The QSM and QCS systems comply with the provisions of ENAC circular APT12 Quality of Air Transport Services: the Standard Service Charters for Airport Management Companies and Airlines" dated 2nd May 2002.
Mystery Shopping
GESAC uses "mystery shopping" as a tool for monitoring the quality of the shopping and catering services, for which personnel coming into contact with customers are an extremely important component of satisfaction.
With its Mystery Shopping activities, GESAC investigates and monitors two large strategic areas: br/> · Service and marketing standards
· Levels of application of customer service policies
The Mystery Shopper goes to a point of sale and simulates the activity of a customer, so that the following aspects can be observed, assessed and related:
· The impact of the product/service being sold/provided on customers
· Employees' attitudes towards customers
· The quality of the services and products offered by the retailers.
The results of these surveys are discussed at regular intervals with the managers of the retail outlets at the Airport, enabling GESAC to make improvements in the way the staff are organised and in the quality of the services provided by the Points of Sale.
Feedback from Airport users
GESAC considers feedback from passengers as opportunities to develop closer relations with their main counterpart, but above all a resource for making organisational changes and for raising service standards.
Customers' suggestions, complaints and compliments about all the Airport services are received by GESAC's Customer Service, recorded and analysed by the heads of the function, following which they may give rise to corrective action. When they concern parties other than GESAC, they are passed on to the third parties involved.
Click here to download the feedback form
GESAC plans and manages Quality, Safety and Environment audits for all its Airport processes. The Audits consist of systematic tests in order to establish whether corporate activities are being carried out in as defined by the Management system and whether they are suitable and effective in achieving the pre-established aims.
Inspections have the purpose of ensuring that operational processes take place according to criteria of safety and efficiency, making sure that the corporate Quality of Service and environmental protection standards are complied with at the same time. They involve both activities carried on directly by Gesac and those supplied by service providers and handlers and by the retail outlets.
Continuous Improvement Review
Continuous improvement is managed at GESAC through Continuous Improvement Reviews (CIR). The purpose of this tool is to identify, structure and apply lessons learned from events (non-conformities, audits, etc.), projects and processes.