This year you may be feeling some internal pressure to "settle down" a bit. This is because as the year begins the Sun and Moon are both in Capricorn, but the Moon squares Mars in Libra as well. Thus, you may be interpreting signals from other people as hints that you need to find someone fast.
And at the beginning of the year, it certainly does look as though all systems are go! With Neptune in Pisces having your back when it comes to communication, you could feel like new relationships are blossoming faster than usual.
However, all this means is that you have the luxury of taking it slow. New friendships are awash in security, and can only be diminished if you rush in with "future plans" before you've even thought them over. If it looks like you're building something strong and solid, don't stop halfway through and say "good enough."
You have an opportunity to test a relationship thoroughly while still having a good time. Take it easy, and don't let anyone force you into commitments until both of you are truly ready.