If S is a semigroup with identity and k is a commutative ring with identity,
let kS be the semigroup algebra. For M a left KS-module, let d&M) be the
projective dimension of M. Then D(kS) = I.gl.dim(kS) = sup{d&M) : &I is
a left kS-module). For S a finite regular semigroup, we obtain an upper bound
for D(kS) in terms of properties of the composition factors of S and of
(D(kG) : G C S a maximal subgroup}. Using this we find that if k is a field
of characteristic relatively prime to the orders of the maximal subgroups of S,
then D(kS) is finite, and that if S is completely O-simple, this bound is attained.
We can also use this to show that if S is a finite, regular, combinatorial
semigroup, then the cohomology groups H”(S, -) vanish for sufficiently
high dimension.