The SLT understands that local health care organizations, cemeteries,
and benefits providers may be competitors at times and collaborators
in other instances, particularly for health care services.
The C4
V focus is on ensuring the best service for Veterans, while
recognizing that VA offers the lowest-cost option because Veterans
have already paid the price. C4
V considers competitors’ customers
and other potential customers and markets in segmentation
by evaluating how being Veteran-centric is similar to, or different
from, being patient- or customer-centric. For example, 51% of the
population in the United States are female, while only 10% of the
Veteran population are women. C4
V customer experience trainers
focus on this difference, noting that particular care must be taken
to not assume a woman is “here with a Veteran,” rather than being
the Veteran. Other organizations may segment by generation; in
the Veteran population, segmenting by era of conflict may be more
relevant than by era of birth.