Research Methodology
3.1 Research Design
The present study is a quasi-experimental research in the form of one group pre-test and post- test design with both quantitative and qualitative data analyses. The experiment with the Digital Storytelling Website (DSW) lasts 10 weeks. The study includes fifty participants. Prior to the experiment, the participants are measured in their speaking ability by using a pre- test. Then, post-test is given to each participant after all of them use the DSW for 10 weeks. In addition, the participants express their reactions concerning improving their speaking ability by using with the DSW through an interview.
3.2 Research Participants
A group of fifty first-year undergraduate students who study English I (203101) at Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima, in the second trimester of academic year 2012 is purposively selected as the participants in this study. The reason that the researcher has chosen the first-year undergraduate students, who study English I to be the participants in this study, is that students, who study English I, which is the first compulsory English course in the university, should be trained to acquire certain speaking skills after they finish the course and this is suitable for the present study.
3.3 Research Instruments
3.3.1 Digital Storytelling Website (DSW)
The Digital Storytelling Website (DSW) consists of teaching materials and exercises. It is designed by the researcher. In webpage, there are two units, and each unit has three exercises and a test. Moreover students had to do their own digital storytelling project and submit in the website. There are the basic guides explaining how to do the digital storytelling and the sample of the project in website also.
3.3.2 Pre-test and Post-test
Every participant takes a pre-test to identify their speaking ability before using the DSW. While using the website every 3 weeks, all participants are given the post-test. The results of pre-test and post-tests are compared.
3.3.3 Semi-structured Interview
To elicit students’ reactions about learning through the DSW, a semi-structure interview is conducted final the last post-test. Twenty students are randomly selected. Then they are interviewed in order to find out about their reactions and comments on the DSW.
3.4 Data Collection
The study used one group pre-test and post-test quasi-experimental design. The data collection involved pre-test manipulation with 50 participants. The subjects were assigned to do the pre-test before using Digital Storytelling Website (DSW) to develop English speaking skill. All participants presented an oral presentation in group of 3-4 members about 5-10 minutes in the same topic of the English I course syllabus. Then post-test was given every after finishing the unit in the DSW. The teachers of the English I course are invited to evaluate the students’ oral presentation and choose the most suitable scale of speaking ability for students. After completion of the 10 weeks program, twenty participants are randomly selected for an interview. The interview aims at finding how the DSW helps them improve their speaking ability.
3.5 Data Analysis
The data obtained from the different instruments are analyzed and interpreted quantitatively and qualitatively.
3.5.1 Quantitative Data Analysis
The quantitative data analysis was carried out with the data obtained from the oral presentation tests. The statistical method employed to compare the students’ English achievement was the t-test to measure improvement of speaking ability after using the DSW. Lastly, the evaluation the courseware efficiency was calculate based on Brahmawong E1/E2 formula with criteria of 80/80 standard.
3.5.2 Qualitative Data Analysis
The qualitative data analysis was conducted using the data obtained from the semi-structured interview. The interview aimed at finding the students’ reactions and comments to their learning through the DSW. It took place after the students were given the last post-test. Twenty students were interviewed in Thai. Each interview lasts between ten to fifteen minutes. While interviewing, a tape-recorder was used to ensure the interview process and ease review process. Then, the data was classified into positive and negative reactions.
3.6 Digital Storytelling Try-out
In the study, there were three phases to try-out the Digital Storytelling Website (DSW). After the end of each try-out phase, the website evaluation was conducted to revise and improve its efficiency. The three phases were consisted of an individual testing, a small group testing, and a field testing.