Pfizer one of the biggest names in pharmaceuticals, Pfizer views its supplier-diversity program as an essential tool in connecting with customers. Chief Diversity officer Karen Boykin-Towns directs diversity efforts that include recruitment and talent development inside the company, as well as engaging with customers and suppliers outside the company. For leadership, Pfizer also relies on a diversity and inclusion worldwide council and an infrastruc- ture of "ambassadors" throughout the company. Pfizer concentrates its diversity efforts on women, LGBT, people with disabilities, Latino/Hispanics, Asian Pacific lslanders, U.S. Caribbeans, and African Americans. The company has spent about $700 million with 2,400 minority and women suppliers. Pfizer has even developed a mentoring program that identifies women and minority suppliers that need help growing, whether it's designing a better Web site or building a better business plan. Pfizer managers meet with the owners, often on-site, to figure out what they need.