Guideline 8: Be inventive in creating useful images
In addition to finding and downloading images from the web for use in their digital stories, digital
story creators should also be encouraged to take their own pictures with a digital camera, scan
images from books, newspapers or magazines, create charts and graphs with spreadsheet
software, or even use graphic layouts created in Microsoft PowerPoint and saved as still images for
use in a digital story.
In our work, we have found that many students are not aware that PowerPoint slides may be saved
as separate image files instead of the more customary method that is used to save slides in the
.PPT or .PPTX format for presentation as a slide show. Using PowerPoint’s File Save As option, this
method may be used to save one or more slides in common digital image file format, such as .GIF,
.JPG, .PNG, or .BMP. These image files may then easily be inserted into a digital story in the same
manner as any other graphic.