Then again, they agreed that he should be their leader not only because they used to think he was going to be an alpha, but because he was a trustworthy, unhesitating, driven and caring person. A person that led by example, relied more on actual action than words.
And now he’s probably scared out of his mind, because he doesn’t understand what is happening to him. Everything he was taught had to be thrown out the window. He has suddenly “became weak”, which isn’t true at all, but the stereotype is not helping. It felt like he lost his identity the night when the heat hit him and even though Yugyeom told the pack that nothing has changed, it only managed to restore it partially. Yugyeom can’t say that he’s shocked – any sane person would be afraid if they suddenly lost control over their own body, especially when they are absolutely unprepared, just like Jaebum was. He has been changed by his first heat, his sharp edges smoothed by something they weren’t able to pinpoint. At the same time he became extremely guarded. He was still himself though and Yugyeom cursed his own stupidity for bringing up the topic of marking.
“I should have known better than this, yet I- oh God, how do I make this work out?” Yugyeom is aware of the shocked stare he gets. He sees the moment Jinyoung-hyung understands what he meant by this comment – the older looks partially happy and partially sad.
“It’s going to be even harder, you know it, right?”
“Yes,” Yugyeom notices determination that snuck into his tone, setting his lips into a thin line. He had never backed off, especially when he knew he was needed. He does not intend to give in to Jaebum’s stubborn anger, not now, not when the other is so hurt and frightened. There is an invisible weight in the maknae’s stomach, a weight that pushes at his instincts to protect the people and things he loves. It screams at him to go find Jaebum, to make sure he’s alright, to apologize and just bring him back, so that the pack can look after him in his time of need-
“,” it’s more of a whisper than an actual word, but Jinyoung hears him nonetheless. He squeezes at Yugyeom’s shoulder, his face reflecting the confusion he feels.
“Hey, why did Jaebum-hyung leave without an umbrella? It’s pouring bucke-“ Youngjae’s pops into the room with a bag of chips in his hand, but Yugyeom doesn’t let him finish. He stands up and makes his way to the hallway, putting his shoes and jacket on.
“We need to find him,” he doesn’t think he sounds authoritative (at least not as authoritative as Jaebum sounds most of the time), but his friends’ slightly more straightened backs and the attentiveness on their faces speaks volumes of how he must act or smell right now.
“Why?” Jinyoung looks at him, wary and waiting.
“The heat. It will start soon, hyung.”
“What? What about the suppressants?” The question hangs in the air for a moment, before any of them reacts.
Yugyeom turns away from Jinyoung’s searching eyes.
“He- he probably didn’t take them. I think I could, um, smell-“
It takes Jinyoung approximately ten seconds to be right beside him, slipping his foot into the dirty sport shoe that’s probably not even his.
“Youngjae, please call the others and tell them that JB’s missing, ok?” Jinyoung tries to be calm, but there is panic lining the last part of the sentence. Yugyeom can share the sentiment – it doesn’t matter how tough you are, a heat will always make you a little more vulnerable. The memory of Jaebum struggling to stand on his own when the first heat got him is vivid in Yugyeom’s mind. There is a dark cloud of anxiety fogging his brain. What if something happens to Jaebum before they find him?
A quiet rumble rakes through Yugyeom’s chest, his fingers tightening on the doorknob.
“We’re going to find him Yugyeommie,” Jinyoung assures him as they both practically run down the narrow staircase.