Experimental Protocol
Polysomnography and ECG recordings were performed
during one night in the sleep laboratory, and included a
one-hour pre-sleep wake recording, and approximately
seven hours of sleep recording. All subjects refrained from
any over-the-counter medication for a minimum of 24-hours prior to the study day, and from caffeine for at least
six hours prior to reporting to the lab. They consumed dinner prior to 17:00, after which time they restrained from all
food and drink. Four subjects reported to the laboratory at
20:30 p.m. Upon reporting to the lab, electrodes were
applied for polysomnographic recordings. The wake
recording lasted from 22:00 to 23:00. During this period,
subjects remained in the supine position and watched television. Subjects were monitored via EEG to ensure wakefulness. The sleep-recording was started at 23:00, and subjects were allowed to sleep spontaneously until 06:00.