In the experiment below, a steel spring is stretched by hanging masses from one end. The force applied to the spring iscalled the load. As g is 10 N/kg load is 1 N for every 100 g of mass hung from the spring.
As the load is increased, the spring stretches more. Its extension is the difference between its stretched and unstretched lengths.
The readings on the right can be plotted as above. Up to point X, the graph line has these features:
- The line is straight, and passes through the origin.
- If the load is doubled, the extension is doubled, and so on.
- Extension / load always has the some value (10 mm/N).
- Every 1 N increase in load produces the same extra extension (10 mm).
Mathematically, these can be summed up as follows:
Up to point X, the extension is proportional the load. X is the
Limit of proportionality.
Point E marks another change in the spring’s behaviour. Up to E, the spring behaves elastically and returns to its original length when the load is removed, E is its elastic limit. Beyond E, the spring is left permanently stretched.
Fore and weight essentials
Force is measured in newtons (N).
Weight is a force.
On Earth, the weight of an object is 10 N for each kilogram of mass.
Hooke’s law
In the 1660s, Robert Hooke investigated how springs and wires stretched when loads were applied. He found that, for many materials, the extension and load were in proportion, provided the elastic limit was not exceeded:
A material obeys Hook’s law if, beneath its elastic limit, the extension is proportional to the load.
Steel wires do not stretch as much as steel springs, but they obey Hooke’s law. Glass and also obey the law, but rubber does not.
Spring constant
For the spring on the opposite page, up to point X on the graph, dividing the load (force) by the extension always gives the same value, 0.1 N/mm. The is called the spring constant (symbol K):
Load = spring constant * extension
In symbols: F=k*x
Knowing k, you could use this equation to calculate the extension produced by any load up to the limit of proportionality. For example, For example, for a load of 2.5 N:
2.5 = 0.1 * extension (omitting units for simplicity)
Rearranged, the gives: extension = 2.5/0.1=25 mm
Compressing and bending
Materials can be compressed as well as stretched. If the compression is elastic, the material will return to its original shape when the forces are removed. When a material is bent, the applied forces produce compression on one side and stretching on the other. If the elastic limit is exceeded, the bending is permanent. This can happen when a metal sheet is dented.
The Oriental Pearl Tower is Shanghai is over half a kilometer high. In high winds, its top can move by a quarter of a metre. But, Being elastic, its steel and concrete structure always returns returns to its original shape.