1. A. High context culture is a culture in which the context of the message, action , or event carries a large part of its meaning and or significance. B. A low context culture is one in which the message, event or action is seen as somethingseparate , having meaning unto itself.2. Time-A. High Context- polychronic attitude. People believe that people , things, and events each have their own time.B. Low Context –monochronic attitude. Linear attitude about time. Emphasize punctuality. No waste of time,3. Space-A. High- people stand closer when talking, touch a lot, pay more attention to body language.B. Low- personal space is needed , minimal distance around one’s body . Tendency to feel violate when personal space is invaded.4. Interpersonal Communication-A. High- less focus on legal contracts and more on social relationships, one depends more on the power and influence of established networks than on the individual characteristics.B. Low- contracts are more important than spoken words and everything is usually written . Legal means are more relied upon that social bonds. People sometimes “pass the buck” 16