In this world, everyone dreams to live peacefully, smell the fresh fragrance of roses, be able to walk on this earth with contentment. If the marriages work in a beautiful way with love and mercy for one another, if a spouse could understand another - this world would be such a happy place.
Islam truly beautifies the relationship between husband and wife. Allah Swt has put love and mercy between the spouses. Allah Swt has given both men and women rights over each other. However many people don't give the rights to their spouses. Many times we find Muslim women in our community facing abuse from their husbands. These women are treated harshly and looked down upon. One of the reason this happens is because some men are grown up in such atmosphere, they have seen it traditionally. That's why we have to overcome these traditions with our beautiful deen and make them realize it's a sin which they are answerable to Allah Swt.Abusing one's wife only makes the husband weaker not strong. Also this simply doesn't get unpunished rather they have to face it on the day of Judgement.