Your new host family is a large, loving family in Glen Innes in northern New South Wales. They have hosted for us several times and all their students have been happy living with them. We hope you will be too. Some of their children are grown up and no longer live at home. However they have three children still at home as well as a foster daughter, Tamara. Tamara is also in year 10 and will help you settle in and introduce you to friends at school. We have just applied for school enrolment at Glen Innes High School and hope to shortly receive their agreement to have you attend their school.
You will finish this term at your current school. Please make sure you have paid any money owing to the school before you leave and make sure you receive your school report or make arrangements to have it sent to you. If you have borrowed any school uniform, please arrange to return it. If you have bought any uniform, talk to Ali about the possibility of selling it to the second-hand uniform shop if that is a possibility and you don’t wish to keep it as a souvenir.