Experimental Procedure: Gasification of chicken litter is
carried out in an externally heated, atmospheric pressured
bubbling fluidized bed Gasifier is shown in figure -1. The
design of the same is given5
. The Gasifier is made up of
cylinder of inside diameter of 60 mm, with the fluidized bed
height of 30mm and the overall height of the Gasifier is 2m. The
Silica sand is used as the bubbling medium. The chicken litter is
collected from the poultry farm and is dried for few days and
then sieved using the sieve analyzer for the range of 750 to 1000
microns. The operating temperature of the Gasifier is
maintained at 8000
C. The feed is given to the system through
the feed hopper and the liberated gas from the Gasifier comes
out of the reaction chamber into the houses, when it is cooled