How are you this evening?
It has been such a very long day. I went to work early, we had our company picnic and then went back to work. After I finally got home, I decided to walk to the store. It is about twenty five minutes but after I shopped it took longer to get home since it was so heavy.
Once I got home, I had to cook, do the dishes, clean up a little and now here I sit writing to you.
I plan to go to bed in just a few minutes.
Tell me about your day. How is your job?
The weather was good today and I hope that tomorrow will be the same. I am planning to cut the grass in the evening.
Mickey, My Dearest, I am simply so tired right now that I cannot even think clearly.
Once you are here, I want us to start canning some of our vegetables. If we do a little each week, we will have plenty for the winter. I also want to ferment many different items. I believe that fermented foods are a very good thing for your health. I also plan on making our own yogurt. It will be better than what you can find in the store.
Hopefully, I will start doing much better at learning my Italian language. I have always wanted to be able to speak another language. If it goes well, Thai will be next. One of my employees speaks three languages and it was interesting to watch him speak to three different people today at the same time.
Well my love, It is time for me to go to bed. I am sorry that I just cant stay awake. Tomorrow will be a better day
With all my love,