In the phase 1 of CFI, the West-bound and East-bound traffic is cleared. Simultaneously their right-turning traffic is also cleared from the parallel bay going through the opposite traffic. All the left turns are free as they were in NFI’s any phase. During phase 2, the North-bound traffic is cleared along with their right turn traffic. When this happens, the right-turning East-bound traffic is allowed to crossover to a bay going through the opposite traffic, and is queued at the main intersection and during phase 3; the South-bound traffic is cleared along with their right turn traffic. When this happens, the right-turning traffic of the West-bound is allowed to crossover to the bay going through the opposite traffic, and is queued at the main intersection. It may be noted that, a traffic signal at the crossover junction for the through moving traffic in the W-E road is redundant in CFI, and therefore is optional which in this case is absent. But, to improve efficiency of intersection and also for safety reasons a signal can be provided. The main purpose will be to avoid the situation where the last vehicles of the through moving traffic might block the green signal for the crossover vehicles, thus reducing the effective green time for these vehicles. Fig 1,2 &3 show the phase diagram of the Continuous Flow Intersection.The East and West bound roads are major roads, North and South bound roads are minor roads and South bound roads are minor roads.