II. DEMPSTER-SHAFER COMBINATION RULES Using D-S method fusion multi-sensor data or information basic idea is, firstly from several sensors and sources of data and information (namely evidence), then calculate various preprocessing of basic probability distribution function evidence credibility and likelihood degrees, then according to the rules dempster synthesis computing all evidence combination of basic probability distribution function, credibility and likelihood degrees, finally according to certain rules of credibility and judgment selected maximum likelihood degrees assumptions as the fusion results. target identification field various reasoning algorithm, D-S method as an uncertainty reasoning algorithm has a unique advantage. Here in target identification as an example to illustrate the method based on D-S fusion process, an each sensor collection of data or information after pretreatment, to one observed object identity distribution evidence, these identity through quantified mass function, then calculated respectively the identity of evidence interval, reuse Dempser synthesis rules on these identity evidence comprehensively interval, and get the target of every possible combination of evidence interval identity. Finally, according to select the best judge logic joint evidence interval as fusion identity instructions.