Therefore, teacher reflection plays an important role in the selection of appropriate targets for
improvement (Tables 2 and 3). The problems most frequently mentioned or the improvement
suggestions most frequently offered make the best candidate targets for improvement. The opinion
of the lecturer is also valuable in defining the priority of improvement target candidates.
By selecting only the two most important development targets per year, a teacher can better
manage the development process and the causal connection, i.e. it is easier to see and analyse
how certain development actions affect learning outcomes. Since the development process
is continuous over the life cycle of the course, minor development suggestions from students
can be taken into account later. A valuable tool that was used to help select the high priority
targets for improvement is the Pareto principle. According to the principle, for many phenomena,
a majority (∼80%) of consequences are caused by a vital few (∼20%) reasons (Juran and
Godfrey 1999).
Therefore, teacher reflection plays an important role in the selection of appropriate targets forimprovement (Tables 2 and 3). The problems most frequently mentioned or the improvementsuggestions most frequently offered make the best candidate targets for improvement. The opinionof the lecturer is also valuable in defining the priority of improvement target candidates.By selecting only the two most important development targets per year, a teacher can bettermanage the development process and the causal connection, i.e. it is easier to see and analysehow certain development actions affect learning outcomes. Since the development processis continuous over the life cycle of the course, minor development suggestions from studentscan be taken into account later. A valuable tool that was used to help select the high prioritytargets for improvement is the Pareto principle. According to the principle, for many phenomena,a majority (∼80%) of consequences are caused by a vital few (∼20%) reasons (Juran andGodfrey 1999).
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